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Theories of Science - fall 2024 - All you need to know

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Table of Contents

About the course

The course provides an introduction to theories of science and relevant social science and humanities scholarship, with an emphasis on the history and philosophy of science and the social organization and dynamics of various academic fields, including their strategies for producing knowledge and the interaction between research and society.

The course engages with issues such as philosophical assumptions underlying high-quality scholarship, making claims about truth and objectivity, professional and societal relevance of science, navigation of academic challenges, and classic and contemporary critiques of science. To contribute to a better understanding of academic work, insights into the history of science and academic scholarship and the key features of the modern university are provided. Moreover, the course is one of the few arenas in which PhD students from a wide variety of disciplines meet and work together, which increases their interdisciplinary sensitivities.


The course consists of lectures, group work, and plenary discussions. To ensure sufficient engagement with the courses content, to enable peer-learning, and to encourage networking across disciplines physical attendance is mandatory and no digital alternatives for participation are provided. We are aware of the fact that PhD students are busy people and will in most cases grant shorter leaves of absence. In these cases, please contact Thomas Berker with a very brief description why you cannot participate.


Professor Thomas Berker (responsible for the course:, Professor Ståle Rainer Strøm Finke, Associate Professor Terje Finstad, Professor Jonathan Knowles, Associate Professor Sofia Moratti, Associate Professor Rune Nydal, Associate Professor Astrid Rasch, Associate Professor Elisabeth Stubberud, Professor emeritus Knut H. Sørensen, Professor May Thorseth, and Research Professor Govert Valkenburg.

Rooms (all in Dragvoll)

All meetings (except the conference) are at room TBD.

The conference will take place at room TBD.

Credit points

To pass the course, you need to attend the lectures, present a paper at the course conference, and deliver a course assignment text (see below). The deadline for the course assignment is January 31st, 2025.

KULT8851 gives 10 credit points. A presentation at the course conference is mandatory in addition to a short conference paper (4000-5000 words). 

KULT8850 gives 7.5 credit points, which presupposes a presentation at the course conference and the handing in of an extended abstract (1000-2000 words). 

Required readings

Required readings are described below. All the literature is accessible online or is made available to the participants on this site. Reading and preparing for lectures: All the essential literature must be read before the lectures. Please make sure to prepare some comments/questions for the readings.

Course program

28 October: Introduction and Philosophy and Research Ethics I (day 1)

0900-1100 Thomas Berker: Welcome, about the course, structure, course assignment, and other practical information, also: some getting to know each other

1100-1215 Rune Nydal: What makes a social theory right?


Taylor, Charles. 1983. Social Theory as Practice. New York: Oxford University Press. (available here)

1215-1315 Lunch

1315-1500 May Thorseth: Research ethics

This session deals with three levels of research ethics:

  • Quality of research good research conduct and the ethos of science
  • Protecting persons and/or groups affected by research
  • The social responsibility of research (broad research ethics)

Essential readings:

Additional reading:

Browse through the NESH guidelines, available in both Norwegian: or English:

29. October: Philosophy and Research Ethics II (day 2)

0900-1200: Jonathan Knowles: Philosophy of Science: Objectivity, Method, and Truth

This session introduces the classical issues of the philosophy of science, framed through the lens of the nature and possibility of objectivity in research. 

Essential readings:

  • Gaukroger, Stephen. 2012. Objectivity: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 1. (available here)
  • Jonathan Knowles, Theory of science: A Short Introduction: Logical Positivism (p. 21-30). (here)
  • Popper, Karl. 1972. The Bucket and the Searchlight: Two Theories of Knowledge. Appendix to Objective Knowledge. An Evolutionary Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (here)
  • Kuhn, Thomas S. 2012. Postscript - 1969. In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 173-208. Fourth edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (here)
  • H.G. Gadamer 'The universality of the hermeneutical problem' in his Philosophical Hermeneutics, ed. D. Linge, California UP 1976. (here)
  • S Harding '"Strong objectivity" and socially situated knowledge' Chapter 6 of her Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? Cornell UP 1991. (here)

Additional readings:

1200-1300: Lunch

1300-1500: Ståle Rainer Strøm Finke: The body as the locus of knowing

This session deals with two enabling factors within science and their impact on our understanding of science: The body and literacy. 

  - What role does the body play in the production of scientific knowledge? 
  - How does the customary association between literacy and academic knowledge influence how we theorize about science? 
  - What if things were different  what can we learn from knowledge systems that incorporate the knowing body in more articulate ways than we usually do in the Western academic tradition, without any involvement of literacy? 


  • Bourdieu, P. (1992) Chapter 3: Structures, habitus, practices. In: The Logic of Practice (pp. 52-79). 1st edn. Stanford University Press. (here)
  • Merleau-Ponty, M. (1964). The primacy of perception and its philosophical consequences. In The primacy of perception (pp. 12-27). Northwestern University Press. (here)
  • Molander, B. (2015). Chapter 1: Knowledge and learning. Some examples. In: The practice of knowing and knowing in practices (pp. 13-33). Peter Lang Edition. (here)
  • Molander, B. (2015). Chapter 2: Tacit Knowledge and Silenced Knowledge. The Body, Culture, Action—and Language. In The practice of knowing and knowing in practices (pp. 35-70). Peter Lang Edition. (here)
  • Molander, B. (2015). Chapter 9: Two sides of the same coin. Professional knowledge and the culture of knowledge. In: The practice of knowing and knowing in practices (pp. 237-262). Peter Lang Edition. (here)
  • Young, I.M. (1980) Throwing like a Girl: A Phenomenology of Feminine Body Comportment Motility and Spatiality, Human Studies, 3(2), pp. 137156. (here)

11 November: Science in context I (day 3)

0900-1200 Thomas Berker: Navigating without a (complete) map, lecture and group work

Essential reading:

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1500 Knut H. Sørensen: The university as a place and a context for research: Academic freedom and autonomy, the quest for excellence, and strained collegiality.

Essential reading:

  • Knut H. Sørensen and Sharon Traweek: Questing Excellence in Academia: A Tale of Two Universities (Routledge 2022). Chapter 3. In the Shadows of Excellence and Neoliberal Interventions: Enactments of Academic Autonomy and Strained Collegiality (33 p.) The whole book is available here:

12 November: Science in context II (day4)

0900-1200 Terje Finstad: History of science and changes in scientific life. Situating and historicizing your own discipline/subject.

Essential reading:

  • William Clark. 2008. Academic charisma and the origins of the research university. University of Chicago Press, p. 183-238 (chapter 6: The doctor of philosophy). (here)

Additional readings:

  • Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison. 1992. The image of objectivity. In: Representations 40, p. 81-128 (here)
  • Steven Shapin. 2010. Never pure. Historical studies of science as if it was produced by people with bodies, situated in time, space, culture, and society, and struggling for credibility and authority. The Johns Hopkins University Press, p. 1-15. (here)

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1500 Govert Valkenburg: Science as practice

Essential readings:

  • H.M. Collins and Steven Yearly (1992). Epistemological Chicken, pp. 301-326 in Andrew Pickering (ed.): Science as Practice and Culture, Chicago: University of Chicago Press (here)
  • Michel Callon and Bruno Latour (1992). Dont throw the baby out with the Bath School! A reply to Collins and Yearley, pp. 343-368 in Andrew Pickering (ed.): Science as Practice and Culture, Chicago: University of Chicago Press (here)
  • Noortje Marres (2018). Why We Can't Have Our Facts Back. Engaging Science, Technology and Society, vol. 4, 2018. (here)

Additional reading:

  • Valkenburg, G. (2021). Engineering as a socio-political practice. In D. P. Michelfelder & N. Doorn (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Engineering. Routledge. [While strictly about engineering and not scientific research, much of this chapter resonates and pertains to science.] (here)

25 November: Critical perspectives I (day 5)

0900-1100 Sofia Moratti: Situated knowledge and feminist critique of science

In this session we will work on the concept of objectivity based in feminist critique of universality in science and discuss the relevance and importance of acknowledging researcher positionalities.

Essential readings:

  • Rolin, K. "Situated knowledge and objectivity." In The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science, pp. 216-224. Routledge, 2020. (here)
  • Ashton, N. A., & McKenna, R. (2020). Situating feminist epistemology. Episteme, 17(1), 28-47. (here)
  • Olmos-Vega, Francisco M., Renée E. Stalmeijer, Lara Varpio, and Renate Kahlke. "A practical guide to reflexivity in qualitative research: AMEE Guide No. 149." Medical teacher 45, no. 3 (2023): 241-251. (here)

Additional reading:

  • Collins, Patricia Hill 1986. Learning from the outsider within: the sociological significance of black feminist thought i Social Problems 33(6): 14-32 (here)
  • Haraway, Donna 1988. ”Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective” Feminist Studies, 14(3): 575-599 (24 s) (here)
  • Harding, Sandra, 2001 “Feminist Standpoint Epistemology” in Lederman, M. & Bartsch, i The Gender and Science Reader, London: Routledge: 145-165 (here)

1100-1200 Thomas Berker: Introduction to the "ledger of grievances"

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1500 Astrid Rasch: Decolonising academia

In this session, we will explore the historical entanglement of science and colonialism and consider the enduring legacies of this entanglement. We will discuss whether and how these considerations affect our own research practice.


Essential readings:

  • Gopal, Priyamvada. 2021. On Decolonisation and the University. Textual Practice 35 (6): 87399. (here)
  • Mott, Carrie, and Daniel Cockayne. 2017. Citation Matters: Mobilizing the Politics of Citation toward a Practice of “Conscientious Engagement”. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography 24 (7): 95473. (here)
  • Murrey, A., & Daley, P. 2023. 'Introduction: Learning Disobedience from the Heart of Empire'. In Learning Disobedience: Decolonizing Development Studies, London: Pluto Press, pp. 9-28. (here)

Additional readings:

  • Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J. 2021. The Cognitive Empire, Politics of Knowledge and African Intellectual Productions: Reflections on Struggles for Epistemic Freedom and Resurgence of Decolonisation in the Twenty-First Century. Third World Quarterly 42 (5): 882901. (here)

26 November: Critical perspectives II (day 6)

0900-1100 Elisabeth Stubberud: Decolonizing knowledge production and objectivity

Essential readings:

Additional reading:

  • Dankertsen, Astrid (2022) ' Avkolonisering av akademia fra et samisk perspektiv' (here)

1100-1200 Thomas Berker: From the ledger of grievances to a constructive critique of science

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1500 Thomas Berker: The many uses of science: interdisciplinarity, innovation and sustainability

Essential readings:

  • Pfotenhauer, Sebastian M., Joakim Juhl, and Erik Aarden. “Challenging the Deficit Model of Innovation: Framing Policy Issues under the Innovation Imperative.” Research Policy, New Frontiers in Science, Technology and Innovation Research from SPRUs 50th Anniversary Conference, 48, no. 4 (May 1, 2019): 895904. (here)
  • Berker, Thomas. “Negotiating research norms between academic and industrial research. The case of a research centre on zero emission buildings in Norway”, to be published in Nordic Architectural Research. (here)

13 December: Conference

The participants of the course present papers on how their PhD work relates to the topics of the course. The conference is public and will be organised collectively.